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This category groups discussions related to particular pages within this site.
451by chrisbjchrisbj
04 Nov 2008 16:11Jump!
Deleted forum discussions should go here.
Medioambiente / Environment
All issues relating to conservation and sustainable exploitation of the environment.
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Comunicación / Communication
Todo lo relativo a mejorar la unión entre los ciudadanos, desde facilitar la comunicación y participación a través de esta web, hasta propuestas para la creación de infraestructuras como carriles bici o redes WiFi. / All matters relating to improve the unity of citizens, from facilitating communication and participation via this website, to proposals for the creation of infrastructure such as bike lanes or WiFi networks.
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Turismo / Tourism
Ideas about developing tourism to pass on to the Tourist Board
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Xàbia innova / Xàbia innovates
Estrategias de futuro que permitan que Xàbia sea una ciudad innovadora y más competitiva comercialmente / strategies that will enable the future Xàbia to be an innovative and more commercially competitive town.
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